Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Child Development Developmental Theorists Essay

Developmental Theorist, like Pigged, Goldberg, and Freud, n tot only grant parents the opportunity to be the finest parent they could be, their theories al low caretakers to analyze the benefits and consequences of using diverse methods. Living from 1856 to 1 939, Sigmund Freud became the building block in which other developmental theorists came to follow. Producing an idea that the unconscious us mind is the source of motivations, just like an iceberg, he theorized how the three structure oral components of he id, ego, and superego occur within the mind at different stages.The id, pr sent at birth, directs the need for gratification and tries to fulfill what is placekicking. The e ego is formed with day to day reality, predicting the probable outcomes of behavioral choice s. Lastly, the superego creates the internal interpretation of the rules and values of the envy reorient. In my cousin, who is currently five years old, the id and ego are evident. When she w as younger, she ate h andful after handful of candy. As her fourth year dawned, she realized the at if she ate too Unguent 2 much candy, she would get in trouble by her parents.Nonetheless, popular AR segments are shown contradict Fraud's beliefs, like when, Simply Psychology stated that the reason s of â€Å"Fraud's theory is unfeasible it can neither be proved true or refuted. For example, t he unconscious mind is difficult to test and measure objectively. Overall, Fraud's theory is high holy unscientific† (McLeod). Many also see that Sigmund ignored crucial details that did not fit h is ideas. Although several rebuked his view, Sigmund Freud has a line of supporters. He attracted d so many lowers that the Vienna psychoanalytic Society was established in 1908.I dir exactly believe that Freud shaped the the thinking of child development as we know it. Day to day examples prove that Fraud's theory holds true. Daily lives are transformed in new pathways as a child grows older. Not only did Freud de velop a basic structural model of child developed NT, he allowed Pigged to build off of his theory. Born in 1896 and living until 1980, psychologist Jean Piglet's interest was base d on the reasons a child gave wrong answers on questions that involved logical thinking , comparing and contrasting the mind of the adult and the child.From there, he developed the cognitive development theory. According to Cosmologically. Com, Pigged concluded t hat â€Å"children are born with a very basic mental structure (genetically inherited and evolved) on which all subsequent learning and knowledge is based† (McLeod). He also came to the conclusion that two processes are essential for development, assimilation and accommodation. A assimilation is learning to understand events or objects based on existing structure. Com imitation means the expansion Of understanding as new information gets absorbed. With different stages, the child develops into an adult.The stages are comprised of seniority (birth to two o years), operational (two to seven years), concrete operational (seven to eleven ye ears), and formal Unguent 3 operations (eleven years and beyond) (McLeod). The game peek-a-boo is a type cal example of Piglets concept. The child has no clue that a person's face is hiding behind the e hands and acts genuinely surprised every time that person's face is revealed. This is the sense rainstorm stage. As the child grows, the child realized that he or she has â€Å"the ability to coordinate his motor activities to solve this problem.Eventually he will use his hands to move yours in an beef rot to expose your face, but until that time a lack of object permanence makes peek-a-boo fun† (â€Å"P gadget†). Even though Pigged came up with a very influential theory, some researchers dispel eve of Piglet's theory. They believe that he failed to â€Å"consider the effect that the social setting g and culture may have on cognitive development† (McLeod). In addit ion, according to Simply As ecology, â€Å"others have queried the age ranges of the stages. Some studies have shown that pro egress to the formal operational stage is not guaranteed† (McLeod).Many others have strong pop session to Pigged for other various reasons. However, Pigged did not have all criticism to his theory. In education, teachers are able to communicate and understand chi lilied. Researchers count nine to expand upon Piglet's ideas to increase knowledge on cognitive development. Personally, I a Greer with Piglet's approach to parenting because it allows adults to grasp how a child grows up ND have prime communication with their children. Hence, Pigged developed the Cognitive De velveteen Theory in how a child's mind evolves, but Viscosity took a different approach to parent ting.As a Russian psychologist, Level Viscosity lived from 1896 to 1934, building the concept of the Coloratura Theory. The Socio Trial Theory is based off the way a chi lid's learning patte rns morph, as a result of the interaction between children and their socio al environment. By scaffolding or assistance in a child's learning, â€Å"the child does not simply acacia re new knowledge but actually makes progress in his or her development† (â€Å"Viscosity In addition, he Unguent 4 believed that mental tools extend a child's ability to solve problems and create e solutions in the modern world.For instance, pretending to be a chef in the real world is a Quinn distances of a child trying to imitate their parents, extending their knowledge and progressing the IR creativity. Opposition to Level Bigotry's view consists of his belief that it applies to all CUL turns. To illustrate this, Oregon, who lived in 1 990, â€Å"dismisses the idea that Bigotry's id as are culturally universal and instead states the concept of scaffolding which is heavily depend dent on verbal instruction may not be equally useful in all cultures for all types of learning† ( McLeod). Or contradict this, many classroom teachers have used scaffolding as both teach err and student collaborate in practicing summarizing, questioning, paraphrasing, and predict inning. As the student becomes more advanced, the teacher's role lessens over time (McLeod). I affair m this theorists because he offered a new outlook on how parenting should be done. Children n need guidance to earn, not helicopter parents that are trying to constantly make their kids beet err directly.Level Viscosity is an exemplar of an approach to parenting that has become extreme Ely influential to society. Through their diverse methods, developmental theorists have created an aid to how a parent should raise child. Basically, I have learned that theorists have category zed the levels of development and other theorists expand beyond their ideas. Throughout my research, grasped that though different theorists have approaches, they all lead back to one thin g: a parent gives the hill all they learn and the way they develop.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Manufacturing Industry and Fair Trade in Australia

The question that is being studied here is of unemployment, and this is clearly not being lost because of imports. The calculations have been made by the Australian Center for Industrial Relations Research and Teaching, and they say facts about the net changes in the rate of employment between 1988 and 1998 in a number of industrial sectors. It can be seen that there is a clear decline in employment in eight sectors of industry during this decade. There was a net loss of about 250,000 jobs and more than sixty percent of the loss was in areas where there was no competition. This concerned employers like Commonwealth Bank, SECV, State Rail NSW, AMP, and the federal public services. (Do imports cost jobs: What's wrong with fair trade? ) Compared to this, the total number of people employed in sector of textiles, clothing and footwear manufacture in Australia has been 80. 2 thousand as per the figures available for 1998. (Manufacturing employment) The important areas of job loss have been in the manufacture of different products with low import threats, and where the imports come from high wage countries. The exception is in the case of textile, clothing and footwear — TCF. In the case of these products, the imports are from medium wage countries and that import is 36. 0 percent of the total market for these goods in Australia. The largest import is from China, and they are now selling 20 percent of all TCF goods in Australia. (Do imports cost jobs: What's wrong with fair trade? ) This has been confirmed at meetings of the productivity commission regarding the future of industry in the city of Melbourne and the state of Victoria. In the public hearing, they have also confirmed that if the recommendations of the commission are implemented then there would be another loss of 30,000 jobs. An industrialist, Brian Rush had this to say about the textile industry – â€Å"Commodity sewing, as such, in Australia has a real struggle in front of it. Our all-up labor rates in Bendigo, with all the add-ons, are about $28 an hour. You go to China and it's less than 50 cents an hour†. (Textile jobs under threat. 2003) It is not that the government is not aware of the situation in the country and has already allocated $575 million for the textile, clothing and footwear sector under the Strategic Investment Program as stated by the minister for Industry, Tourism and Resources. His statement said â€Å"Australia's $9 billion textile, clothing and footwear manufacturing industries can now apply for investment and R&D assistance under the package which has been closely and extensively negotiated with industry players†. (Australia: Textile, clothing & footwear sector investments worth AU $575mn approved, 2005) But this does not seem to have helped the workers as in one case, the workers sacked by National Textiles on January 21st are still on a 24 hour picket outside their factory and that is located about 170 kilometers north of Sydney. There are 342 workers and the claimed dues are on account of entitlements which are not paid consisting of leave on a yearly basis, sick leave, long service, redundancy payments and superannuation. (Sacked Australian textile workers picket for $11 million in unpaid entitlements) Regarding TCF, the economists at Reserve Bank have stated that about one third of the jobs lost in clothing are due to low wages and that is a total of 28,000 jobs. For footwear this amounts to 6,000 jobs lost. Well this seems to support that fair trade is the main reason for the lost jobs but they have also stated â€Å"Despite this large import effect, productivity improvements accounted for about two-thirds of the fall in employment in this sector† (Do imports cost jobs: What's wrong with fair trade? ) This can be seen from a comparison of the figures of 1994 and 1999 where in the case of machinery and equipment the productivity has risen by 23. 2 percent and the job losses have been only 3. 9 percent reduction. In the TCF sector, the increase in productivity has been 15. 1 percent and the job losses are 15. 3 percent. (Do imports cost jobs: What's wrong with fair trade? ) When one looks at the total employment figures the picture becomes even clearer with a reduction between 1974 and 1999 with a total reduction in textiles clothing and footwear by 53 percent, whereas in transport equipment and machinery the reduction was by 39 percent and in metallic products by 29 percent. Thus it is clear that employment is on the way down with a total reduction by 22 percent. This is hurting the workers as 24 percent of the total workers were employed in manufacturing in 1974, but this came down to just 12 percent in 1999. This does not mean that this section of industry has started producing less, and the production has increased, but the gains have not been passed on in terms of additional workers. This is reflected in the fact that the major portion of Australia's workers is now engaged in the service sector – 82 percent of them. (Productivity Commission: Move to scrap tariffs sooner rather than later) To some extent the mismatching of the Australian government timing of cutting the protection of the textile, clothing and footwear sector with the change of the global TCF industry to get into a new form of organization, the commodity chain is also responsible. Due to this change, some Australian TCF manufacturers could not continue business any longer, while the others followed a number of strategies to remain in business, and these including a change of the labor required. This has led to losses in jobs determined by age, gender and ethnicity in the skilled and semi-skilled levels of production. This has been replaced by jobs in design, marketing and management. The jobs in the factories of Australia have to the Pacific Rim. (Trade and inequality: Australia's textile, clothing, and footwear industries, 1986-1996) As an example one can see that in December, there was a reduction by the Sara Lee clothing factory of 200 workers in the factories of Sydney, Wollongong and Kempsey. The number was half of the total employees of workers in the organization. This company now plans to get most of the production for the company done at Fiji, where the labor is cheaper. A similar decision was also taken by Levi Strauss, the famous jeans manufacturer. They are now planning to cut down about 60 percent of the workers in Elizabeth, near Adelaide. They amount to 100 workers. (Australian Job Losses) For many of the workers this means social changes and increases unemployment rates in many areas leading to losses in consumer demand for products. For the people there are long term effects on health due to the loss of jobs and finding a job when one is over 50 is not easy. For the company also it is a loss of manufacturing capacity. Productivity Commission: Move to scrap tariffs sooner rather than later) In the meantime, a new breed of employers has come up and these are the employment agencies. They offer high efficiency when placing the employees in a firm. They claim to offer economies of scale due to their being a specialist third party managing the aspects of personnel management like recruitment. This is normally the function of the personnel department. They also lead to lower transaction costs and thus increase efficiencies due to the matching involved. Yet it is not very popular as in 2003 a survey showed that organizations are using hired employees for the purpose of getting workers for immediate requirements. Yet, a survey showed that 42 percent of the firms believe that there are good benefits for the firms using hired employees. The perceived benefits are the reduction of administrative costs, being able to go through a thorough process of recruitment and getting skilled workers. A very small portion of the firms gave their reason as reduction of employee cost due to lower payments. Temporary employment agencies as labor market intermediaries – new ways of working in an open economy) According to a study done by ABS in June 2002, there were 290, 000 employees hired through the employment agencies at that time. This is a 3. 1 percent share of the total employment market. According to them the organizations which had a union with a closed shop had the least chance of using a labor hire agency. This is thus a limiting factor on labor hire agencies. The positive factor for a labor hire agency is an organization with an employee relations manager. These managers are knowledgeable about the different sources from where they can get labor, as also the different types of labor with them. They are more likely to use the agencies when appropriate. Yet organizations hire labor sparingly and along with other flexible forms of labor like part-time labor and casual labor. (The Growth of Labor Hire Employment in Australia) It is wrong to expect the free traders or the fair traders to really have the interests of the workers at heart. One has to realize that the problem in part arises from the present chase for productivity and international competition.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Applying Problem Solving Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Applying Problem Solving - Essay Example There are many methods, which can be used to find a perfect solution to any specific problem. Two of the most widely used methods are persuasive thinking and scientific thinking. In this paper, I will show how I made use of these methods to solve some problems, which occurred in my life. After I got my graduation degree from a university, I decided to do job to earn some money and get professional experience. I applied in a number of companies for the job but did not succeed to get a suitable job in accordance with my educational qualifications. Some companies called me for interviews. Wherever I went for the interviews, the selection committee members required some professional experience, which I did not have at that time. In my home city, I applied in almost every renowned company but did not succeed in finding a good job. After almost six months of job search, I found a job in a marketing firm located far away from my living place. I was recruited in the department of outdoor sales and my salary was very less as compared to my educational qualifications. The salary was so less that it was very hard for me to save any money for my family. I was not satisfied with that job. I did that job for almost a year when I decided to go abroad in order to find a better employment. My parents did not support my decision of moving abroad and insisted me to remain in my home country and continue my job search. In the problem, which I discussed above, I made use of persuasive thinking to convince my parents. I had two main reasons of going abroad for employment. One reason was to find a better employment while the second reason was the huge difference between the economy levels of my home country and the country where I was planning to go for employment. My parents were not supporting my decision initially as they insisted me not to go abroad. I told them that it would be wastage of my precious time

Sunday, July 28, 2019

How does thalassemia affect the skeletal system Essay

How does thalassemia affect the skeletal system - Essay Example Thalassemia is a hereditary disorder characterized by a diminished or a malfunction of the production of hemoglobin; a blood protein that transports oxygen to the tissues, which results from the mutation of the manufacture of hemoglobin primarily because of the abnormality of the bones and the enlargement of the spleen. Anemia is a good example that portrays severe cases of Thalassemia; bone and growth deformities, defects and hemosiderosis (Barber & Stringer, 2011). The most common Thalassemias are alpha-Thalassemia and beta-Thalassemia whose frequency of occurrence is around 1.7% worldwide. Alpha-Thalassemia comes from the abnormal production of the ÃŽ ±-globin chain while ÃŽ ²-Thalassemia is from the ÃŽ ²-globin chain (Barber & Stringer, 2011). Alpha-Thalassemia affects mainly people from Africa and South-East Asia while beta-Thalassemia is prevalent among people from the Mediterranean, Africa, and South-East Asia. The predominance of ÃŽ ²-Thalassemia is higher in areas where malaria is or was once an endemic. Severe changes occur on the calvarium due to porotic hyperostosis as shown in figure 1 below. This manifests extensively on the frontal portion including the inferior portion, the parietals and the squamous of the occipital through porosis (Lagia et al., 2007). Due to Thalassemia, patients often experience extensive pitting in the posterior portion of the skull, which includes the parietal and occipital bones as shown in figure 3. There is also mild pitting of the frontal bone and the orbital roof as demonstrated in figure 2. For this reason, the cranial bones become thicker than usual, wavering from typical 4.5mm to a maximum of 10mm in thickness (Filon et al., 1995). The expanded diploe can be seen on the external surface, which becomes eroded over time. The trabeculae of the diploe become increasingly reduced in number, accompanied by the thickening and radial arrangement of the trabeculae that are left;

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Financial marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Financial marketing - Essay Example In relation to the situation of credit crunch, it is usually observed that lenders are unable to provide adequate credits to borrowers, resulting in lessening their purchasing power. The term ‘credit crunch’ is recognised as a sudden restriction in the availability of various elements linked with credits or loans that include credit cards, inter-bank lending along with mortgages due to lack of financial liquidity. Thus, credit crunch is a situation wherein the availability of loans reduces by a considerable extent and accordingly, results into the condition of depression or recession (Cava, 2013). The quotation ‘‘†¦ the 2007 credit crunch is generally considered to have been triggered by losses on subprime mortgages in the USA, but its impact was too wide and too deep to be explained by losses in that sector alone† imply shortage of credit in the US economy (Pilbeam, 2010, pp. 427). This particular concern or issue i.e. credit crunch was commenced in the United States (US) during the year 2007 due to certain factors that eventually led towards the aforesaid critical situation. In this regard, it has been identified that the lenders in the US economy have been facing adequate challenges in recovering their loans leading to bad debt mortgages. Additionally, credit rating failures in the economy caused massive fluctuations to the disposable income within the US economy, during the period 2007-2008. The fluctuation in the disposable income led to massive fluctuations in sub-prime lending, affecting the housing market of the US severely. The losses in relation to sub-prime mortgages also adversely affected the financial market as the financial institutions were unable to repay the increased debt in the housing sector of the US. The subprime mortgages have unfavourably affected the financial system of the US as the customers along with the investors lost confidence in their approaches due to lack of obtaining credits or loans in th e economy. It has been conceived that the credit crunch in the US economy mainly caused due to the structure of an inappropriate interest rate policy designed by Federal Reserve (Whalen, 2008). Therefore, based on the above discussion, it can be ascertained that the effect of credit crunch eventually led towards the development of crisis situation in the US and ultimately affected the global economy at large. A.2: Mechanics of the Crunch Credit crunch in the US has led to the development of global crisis, which adversely affected the financial markets of other countries and also impacted the world economy. It has been identified that the interest rates in the US were quite high for a longer time period i.e. during the period 2003-2006. In this context, a constant rise in the interest rates has led to the development of inflation condition in the US. The rise in the interest rates has unfavourably affected the prices in the housing market in the final quarter of the year 2006. Subseq uently, the combination of factors including increasing interest rates and declined value of the housing market

Friday, July 26, 2019

Explained on the attachment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Explained on the attachment - Assignment Example Employee motivation is key in influencing employee behavior. Mainly emphasizes on intuition and understanding. People are viewed as independent from environmental influences. On the contrary, the theory portrays people’s ability to determine the condition of the environment. A psychological approach that focuses on personal development for example through learning. Individuals are seen as seeking self-actualization through adequate learning and are able to actively control the learning activities independently. Puts emphasis on learning by observation of other people. Therefore, individuals learn from others in their environment. Role models are imperative in this case because they influence the behavior of those who look up to them. The theory stipulates that learning is context-dependent. This means that after learning, people make their own conclusions on over what was learned and develop personal meaning of the knowledge gained. It is an unstructured learning procedure that has recently been adapted by professionals. In this case, what is learnt by the workers is related to the work they do and not to other planned learning materials or procedures. Workers in organizational settings are able to learn informally through the daily activities they carry out. They can also learn from each other. Therefore, structured or planned training programs are not the only solutions to employee learning

Case Study of Apple Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Case Study of Apple - Essay Example ies on the assumption that a company’s approach to competitive advantage emanates from the unique resources that the organization owns and its potentials. An organization then identifies an environment in which its resources and potentials can grant in advantage over other firms and implements the resources and potentials. An understanding of available resources is therefore the first stage in pursuing the model and would include analysis of Apple’s human resources and fixed and current assets. Characteristics of employees such as strengths in creativity and innovation, ability to align self-interest with the organization’s goals, and ability to integrate ideas into a collective innovation would be important. Explorations of capabilities within the organization would then follow and research and development is a significant factor. Evaluation of availability of financial resources for conducting research and implementing research results would be one of the foci of capabilities analysis. Competence of human resource for identification of research needs, planning for proposed research, and implementation of the research is another center of focus for competence analysis. In analyzing its resources and potentials under the Resource-Based Strategy, Apple would consider value, scarcity, cost of duplication, and substitutability of the resources and potentials. The company should ensure that the resources and potentials that it plans to depend upon can empower it outshine its competitors or at least to neutralize the competitors’ effectiveness. The resources and potentials should also be within limited reach of competitors in terms of accessibility and involved cost. Considering these features and ensuring their existence in the market environment creates competitive advantage that facilitates success regardless of stiff level of competition. The strategy offers the organization a basis for organizing a formidable advantage in product quality, product

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Research project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Research project - Essay Example Thus, the environment prevailing in the clubs is a huge concern to the owners which is why they have laid emphasis on the security of their customers. Therefore, hiring of employees to manage people is an important issue for the owners. The hired employees should be capable of effectively handling and maintaining pleasant atmosphere in and around the night clubs. The Information Technology (IT) environment consists of various activities which are expected to provide solutions to the numerous concerns that arise from the technological activities. The technicians are expected to be experts and possess ample knowledge regarding different business problems that use the IT technicalities. Moreover, preferences are given to young talents as efficiency and hardworking efforts are more likely to be generated by the younger generation. For the convenience of business professionals, IT has been introduced in almost all the sectors, such as finance, military, sales and marketing and engineering among others. Thus, the experts at times need to play various roles at different levels such as inventors and innovators, mediators, leaders and negotiators and even security agents (Microsoft, 2012). Apart from these, the IT department has taken up initiatives to engage in research and distribution actions that will improve the awareness towards environmental issues and sustainability. Aim and Objectives of the Research Due to the changing nature of the world as a result of modernisation, it has become essential for clubs to have the latest security systems that will monitor every activity of the customers. Therefore, the research will help to identify the security areas that are being assisted by the utilisation of information technology. Furthermore, any drawbacks or modification to the information systems will be assessed. The research will provide a detailed picture of how club owners are focusing on using of technological systems to ensure customer safety. Scope of the Resear ch Crowd violence and other assaults occurring in night clubs have been making news across the world. It is rapidly growing as the young generation has considered it to be a latest fashion to party up to late nights at clubs. Thus, the security of the customers is considered as one of the major issues for the owners. Though the owners recruit effective bouncers, it has been noted that few of them use their physical strength to control misbehaving crowd. A general rule suggests that bouncers are only allowed to use their hands for self-defence and take custody of any person who needs to be arrested. However, this is not always followed by the bouncers as at times they are not capable of resisting their anger and thus, involve in a fight with the customer. Therefore, the research will enable to evaluate the security systems that monitor the activities of the customers as well as the bouncers. It will help the owners to identify the actual offender behind the quarrel. Moreover, the sys tems will be compared with the modern innovations which will meet the security standards of the club. Furthermore, the improvement of customer safety and effective measures required for obtaining the safety standards will be

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Aviation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Aviation - Essay Example These constraints constitute environmental, technological, political and legal concerns. Airlines in different countries of the world are owned by both private and public owners and the pricing policy takes into consideration all the prominent players of the aviation industry, such as airports, ground transports, the customers, and freight forwarders. Apart from that, they consistently endeavour to maximise their profits and minimise costs paid to airport authorities (Adler et, el., n.d.,). Obviously this objective is achieved through the means of proper pricing policy. The current practices of airline pricing include the cost-based pricing method that takes into account all the costs encountered during the operation such as landing charges, passenger diverging charges, air tariffs, cargo charges, loading and unloading charges, security expenditures, engine charges and other charges applicable to specific situations. For instance, some airlines charge higher for night air travels while some charge noise charges in order to fund the suspension schemes concerning noise created by aircraft on the airport (Adler et, el., n.d.,). Some airlines also go for peak-period pricing, which refers to pricing at a higher rate for some specific business seasons while lower for the others. Although these methods are widely in practice within most of the airlines, yet few airlines charge different prices at different levels of services, seasons, markets etc. -2- Relation of Pricing Practices with Costs, Investment Decision and Aircraft Capacity Pricing practices prevailing among the airlines are closely knitted with the various costs, investment decision and aircraft capacity. In fact, pricing decisions are taken while considering all of these factors, as price can seriously affect them. An efficient pricing practice can lead an airline to alleviate costs, maximize revenues and operate efficiently with maximum utilization of aircraft capacity. Airlines base their pricing policy most prominently on costs, which are mainly the charges imposed on the airlines by the airport authorities plus other technological, aircraft maintenance and security expenditures. Airline pricing evidently reflects the exacerbation and alleviation of various costs encountered during the flight operations. As the costs rise, prices too go up and vice versa. Therefore, the major concern of airlines while devising an efficacious pricing policy remains to minimise the charges, fees and tariffs paid to airport for the purpose of maximising its revenues. Airline pricing practices can further be related to the investment decisions. Airlines do base their investment decisions on pricing through cost estimation in a way as discussed by Banker and Johnston (1993). They say that airlines base their investment decisions after estimating their costs drivers. Pricing is determined with the objective to minimise costs and enhance revenues. The revenues are in turn considered to further enhance their investment into innovative technology to get competitive edge over the other airlines in the industry. These investment decisions can only be made once all the costs likely to be encountered in the year is estimated well by airline. Therefore pricing leads to the estimation of various costs, which in turn takes an airline to devise its investment decisio

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Extra 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Extra 1 - Essay Example Apart from that they reflect the particular era and time during which the play took place. The scene designer designs the background of the play with the colors that bring out, the right texture and desired mood to the audience. As the play unfolds Tartuffe succeeds in convincing Orgon to allow him to stay in his house indeterminately. He is opportunistic as he manipulates the allegianceaccorded to him by Orgon to manipulate him to his own advantage. He starts his schemes by pretending to be a staunch Christian and managed to fool Orgon to believing on every word he said (Steiner and Wilbur 35). Tartuffe tries to seduce Elmire, although she is frustrated by the foolishness of her husband, she does not give in to his advances. Unsuccessful he convincedOrgon to terminate the engagement of his daughter to a young man called Mariane whom she is madly in love with. The daughter refuses to get married to this hypocrite, but she is in a dilemma because she believes that a daughter should obey her father (Steiner and Wilbur 55). The maid, who is convinced that Tartuffe is only after the family’s fortune,makes sure that Valà ¨re and her lover are back together.In the play she is the only one who sees through Tartuffe’s malevolence right from the start. She turns out to be a very intelligent character in the play although ironically the maid is perceived to be a very insignificant job in the society (Steiner and Wilbur 95). Paradoxically the church is misrepresented by the character of Tartuffe who turns out to be one of the main characters in the play. The actors try to bring out the theme of the play strongly by mastering the lyrics and context. Although they have the challenge of being inexperienced, they also manage to bring out the character traits of the key thespians. Conversely it can be observed that there is poor coordination between the actors, when they are in the stage

Monday, July 22, 2019

Certainty Essay Example for Free

Certainty Essay The Purpose of the Certainty of Objects Requirement For a Trust to exist, A must: (i) hold a specific claim-right or power; and (ii) be under a duty to B not to use that claim-right or power for A’s own benefit (unless and to the extent that A is also a beneficiary of the Trust). In other words, for a Trust to exist, A must be under the core Trust duty. The certainty requirements for a Trust simply reflect the fact that A must be under a duty to B in relation to a specific right. The certainty of objects requirement ensures that: (i) A owes a duty to a specific person; and (ii) A’s duty is certain enough to be enforced. The certainty of objects requirement can sometimes be seen as an inconvenient obstacle that can trip up a party (A0) trying to set up a Trust. However, it serves a vital purpose: a court cannot enforce a duty unless that duty is adequately defined. This point is not peculiar to Trusts. For example, an agreement between A and B can only impose a contractual duty on A to B if it is satisfies a certainty test: the nature of A’s duty to B must be adequately defined. In understanding the certainty of objects requirement, it is important to ask what information the court needs in order to enforce A’s supposed duty to B. If that information is lacking, A’s supposed duty cannot be enforced; so A will be under no duty to B; so there can be no Trust. 2. Discretionary Trusts A discretionary Trust is a form of Trust (see p 222-4 of the book): it can exist only if A is under the core Trust duty. Example 1a: A0 transfers ? 100,000 to A subject to a duty: (i) not to use that money for A’s own benefit; and (ii) to invest the money prudently; and (iii) at the end of 21 years, to pay any unspent part of the ? 00,000 and its income to Oxfam. A0 also stipulates that, during that 21 years, A can, if he wishes, pay all or any of the ? 100,000 and its income to all or any of A0’s children or grandchildren. In such a case, there is clearly a Trust: A is under the core Trust duty. And Oxfam is a beneficiary of that Trust: A owes the core Trust duty to Oxfam. A0’s children and grandchildren are not, however, beneficiaries of a Trust: A does not owe them the core Trust duty. Rather, A has a power: A can, if he wishes, give all or any of the money to all or any f A0’s children and grandchildren. 1 See eg G Scammell Nephew Ltd v Ouston [1941] AC 251. 1 A discretionary Trust is a particular form of Trust: it exists where A, in addition to being under the core Trust duty, has a power to choose how to distribute the benefit of the right A holds on Trust. Example 1b: A0 transfers ? 100,000 to A subject to a duty: (i) not to use that money for A’s own benefit; and (ii) to pay the money, in equal shares, to all of A0’s children and grandchildren. In such a case, there is clearly a Trust: A is under the core Trust duty. There is no discretionary Trust: A does not have a power to choose how to distribute the benefit of the ? 100,000. Rather, there is a fixed Trust: A is under a duty to distribute the benefit of the right held on Trust in a specific way. Example 1c: A0 transfers ? 100,000 to A subject to a duty: (i) not to use that money for A’s own benefit; and (ii) to invest the money prudently; and (iii) by the end of 21 years, to have distributed that ? 100,000 and its income, as A sees fit, amongst all or any of A0’s children or grandchildren. In such a case, there is a discretionary Trust. A does owe the core Trust duty to A0’s children and grandchildren; but A has a power to choose how to distribute the benefit of the ? 100,000. 3. Discretionary Trusts Certainty of Objects: The â€Å"Any Given Person† Test Example 2: A0 transfers ? 100,000 to A subject to a duty: (i) not to use that money for A’s own benefit; and (ii) to invest the money prudently; and (iii) by the end of 21 years, to have distributed that ? 100,000 and its income, as A sees fit, amongst all or any of A0’s relatives. In Example 2, there seems to be a problem. A0 has attempted to set up a discretionary Trust. However, such a Trust depends on A being under a duty not to pay any of the money to a person who is not a relative of A0. But can a court enforce that duty? For example, let’s say A chooses to pay out ? 5,000 to X. Is there a meaningful test the court can use to decide if X really is a relative of A0? If not, a key part of A’s intended duty cannot be enforced; in that case, the intended discretionary Trust cannot exist. And, if that occurs, A will hold the ? 100,000 on Resulting Trust for A0 (or, if A0 has died, for A0’s estate). We can sum up this point by saying that, for a discretionary Trust to exist, it must pass the â€Å"any given person† test: a court must be able to tell of any given person (eg X) whether or not that person falls within the class of those to whom A is permitted to distribute the benefit of the right A holds on Trust. 2 That â€Å"any given person† test is often referred to as the â€Å"given postulant† test. In re Baden (No 2),3 the Court of Appeal considered whether a discretionary Trust for A0’s relatives could pass that test. 2 3 See per Lord Wilberforce in McPhail v Doulton [1971] AC 424 at 456. [1973] Ch 9. Stamp LJ held that the discretionary Trust was valid. His Lordship reached that conclusion by taking a very narrow view of relatives as including only A0’s statutory next of kin (ie those close relatives specified by statute as being able to acquire A0’s rights if A0 dies without making a valid will). 4 Sachs and Megaw LJJ took a much broader approach to the term â€Å"relative†, defining it as anyone sharing an ancestor with A0. 5 That definition seems to cause a problem: if X claims that he and A0 had the same great-great-great-great-great grandmother, can the court really test that claim? Sachs and Megaw LJJ both dealt with that point by saying that the onus is on X to prove that claim; until X does so, it must be assumed that X does not share an ancestor with A0. 6 The approach of Sachs and Megaw LJJ (assuming X is out of the permitted class, unless and until X can show otherwise) seems to make the â€Å"any given person† test redundant. For example, if A0 tries to set up a discretionary Trust in which A has a power to distribute the benefit of a right to anyone who is a â€Å"good person†, we might expect A0’s attempt to fail: there is no way for a court to tell if X is or is not a â€Å"good person†. However, on the approach of Sachs and Megaw LJJ, we could instead say that the discretionary Trust is valid – it is just that, if X cannot prove he is a â€Å"good person†, it will be assumed that he is not such a person. It seems that neither Sachs LJ nor Megaw LJ wanted to leave the law in such a way as to permit there to be a discretionary Trust in favour of anyone who is a â€Å"good person†. So each judge added a further certainty requirement. Sachs LJ stated that the class of those to whom A can distribute the benefit of A’s right must be â€Å"conceptually certain†: that is, it must be possible to come up with a definition of the class. Practical, evidential problems as to whether X is or is not within that definition can be dealt with by applying the simple rule that X is out of the class until he proves otherwise. So the â€Å"good person† discretionary Trust will be invalid as there is no clear way of defining that term: it is conceptually uncertain. In contrast, whilst it may be difficult, or even impossible, to tell if X is or is not a relative of A0, that evidential uncertainty will not defeat the discretionary Trust. Megaw LJ added a different requirement, stating that a discretionary Trust can only be valid if there are a â€Å"substantial number† of people who are clearly within the class to whom A can distribute the benefit of A’s right. 8 Again, that requirement can be used to mean that a â€Å"good person† discretionary Trust is invalid, whereas a â€Å"relatives† discretionary Trust is not. The extra requirements imposed by Sachs and Megaw LJJ do not assist in fulfilling the purpose of the â€Å"any given person† test: making sure the court can tell if A distributes the benefit of the right to a person outside the permitted class. It may be that each requirement instead aims to ensure that the discretionary Trust makes some practical 4 5 [1973] Ch 9 at 28-29. Ibid at 21-22 (following the lead of the first instance judge, Brightman J). 6 Here, again, the lead of Brightman J was followed. 7 Ibid at 20. 8 Ibid at 24. 3 sense: for example, if it is not possible to give a conceptually certain definition to the class, it may well be that no-one can show he is within that class. Megaw LJ’s requirement for a â€Å"substantial number† to be within the class is of course quite vague: the point seems to be that, for a iscretionary Trust to make sense, A must have a genuine choice to make as to who will receive the benefit of A’s right. However, that point is not always correct: for example, the discretion in a discretionary Trust could come from A having a power to decide how much of the benefit of A’s right a particular individual should receive. 4. 4. 1 Discretionary Trusts Certainty of Objects: Further Tests The â€Å"full list† test? At one point, it was suggested that a discretionary trust could be valid only if the court could draw up a full list of the people to whom A is permitted to distribute the benefit of a right. On that view, in Example 2, a discretionary trust would arise only if it is possible to draw up a full list of A0’s relatives. However, in McPhail v Doulton, the House of Lords rejected that view. 9 It was based on the idea that, if A failed in his duty to distribute the benefit of the right, a court would have to step in and decide how to distribute. And, to avoid favouring any one person, the court would have to order equal division of the benefit of the right amongst all members of the class. On that view, a discretionary trust would become, in effect, like the fixed Trust in Example 1b: so a full list would be necessary. In McPhail v Doulton, Lord Wilberforce pointed out that, if A fails in his duty to distribute the benefit of a right, a court does not have to order equal division. 10 After all, such equal division could be one of the worst ways of distributing the benefit of a right: for example, splitting up a fund of ? 100,000 equally among 1,000 people would mean that no one person gains a substantial benefit from the discretionary trust. So, given the other means by which the court can step in to execute a discretionary trust, there is no need to apply the â€Å"full list† test. 4. 2 The â€Å"administrative workability† test The fact that a court may need to step in and execute a discretionary trust does not mean that a discretionary trust must pass the â€Å"full list† test. Nonetheless, it may have some impact. For example, if the terms of the attempted discretionary trust mean that there is no sensible plan a court could adopt to execute that supposed trust, then A0’s attempt to set up a discretionary trust must fail. This point may explain the (rarely relevant) â€Å"administrative workability† test. 11 9 [1971] AC 424. Ibid at 456-7. 11 That test is referred to by Lord Wilberforce in McPhail v Doulton: [1971] 1 AC 424 at 457. 10 4 For example, in one case,12 A0 (a council shortly to disappear as part of a reorganisation) attempted to set up a discretionary trust (of a large sum of money) for the benefit of all the former residents of the area covered by that council. The class of people to whom A could distribute the benefit of its right would thus include over 2 million people. It was found that the council’s attempt to set up a discretionary Trust failed: the planned Trust was â€Å"administratively unworkable†. The problem here may be that, if A fails to perform his duty to distribute, the court will have to step in. And is there any sensible way order a court could make to distribute the benefit of A’s right? We have to bear in mind the need for a court to avoid making the type of contentious political decision which it is ill-suited to make and which may cause resentment. 3 Of course, in most cases, no such problems arise: the â€Å"administrative workability† test rarely prevents an intended discretionary trust from arising. This explanation of the â€Å"administrative workability† test explains why it applies to discretionary trusts but not to attempts to give A a power (as in Example 1a). If A chooses not to exercise a power to distribute the benefit of a right then, as A is under no duty to do so, a court does not need to step in and order some form of distribution. There is thus no risk of a court facing the dilemma that would arise if an administratively unworkable discretionary trust were allowed to be valid. 4. 3 The â€Å"non-capricious† test Although the â€Å"administrative workability† test does not apply to powers, that does not mean that powers are free from certainty tests. For example if A has a power to distribute the benefit of a right to all or any of a certain class of people then, as is the case with a discretionary trust, A is under a duty not to distribute outside that class. So, with a power as with a iscretionary trust, the â€Å"any given person† test applies:14 the power is only valid if a court can tell, should A exercise the power in favour of X, whether or not X is in the permitted class. Sometimes, when accepting a power, A also comes under a duty to act loyally and responsibly when considering whether to exercise that power. In such a case, for example, A (as is the case if A holds a right on a discretionary trust) cannot simply ignore the power: he is under a duty to members of the class of potential recipients to consider periodically whether or not to exercise the power. 5 In these cases, A can be said to have a â€Å"fiduciary power†: A is not just under the negative duty not to distribute outside the permitted class; he also has some positive duties in relation to the power. It has been held that A0’s attempt to set up such a power will fail if the intended power is â€Å"capricious†: if there are no sensible criteria A can apply in considering whether and how 12 13 R v District Auditor, ex p West Yorkshire MCC [1986] RVR 24 (noted by Harpum [1986] CLJ 391). For example, would the money be better spent on paying for a new school, or a new hospital, or new sports facilities? 4 See eg re Gulbenkian [1970] AC 508. 15 For a discussion of A’s duties in such a case see eg per Megarry V-C in re Hay [1982] 1 WLR 202, esp at 210. 5 to exercise his power. 16 This does not mean that, when giving A the intended fiduciary power, A0 needs to spell out what factors A should take into account. However, it does mean that if the supposed power is â€Å"capricious† (ie there is no sensible scheme A can come up with) then A0’s attempt to give A the power must fail. Two points are worth noting about this â€Å"non-capricious† test. First, if it is linked to A0’s attempt to impose a duty on A to act loyally and responsibly when considering whether to exercise a power, it must apply to an attempt to set up a discretionary trust: such a duty is a key part of a discretionary trust. Second, in practice, it is very unlikely that this test will present a problem: people rarely go round setting up bizarre powers that cannot be considered in a sensible way. 4. 4 The â€Å"one person† test Example 3: A0, an owner of a large number of paintings, dies. In his will, he instructs A (his executor) to allow â€Å"each of my friends† to purchase one of those paintings each, at half its market value. In such a case, A0 does not attempt to set up a discretionary Trust: A has no power to choose how to distribute his rights. Rather, each friend of A has a fixed entitlement. A0 is attempting to make a conditional gift: if X satisfies a particular condition (if he is a friend of A0) he has a specific right. Nonetheless, it may seem that there is still a certainty problem: how can A (or the court) tell if X is or is not a friend of A0? However, in re Barlow, the essential facts of which were identical to Example 3,17 Browne-Wilkinson J held that the conditional gift was valid. His Lordship noted that an attempt to set up a discretionary Trust for â€Å"friends of A0† would fail: applying Sachs LJ’s test in re Baden (No 2), the term â€Å"friends of A0† is conceptually uncertain. However, a conditional gift should be treated differently: if there was just one person who could clearly show he was, on any reasonable test, a friend of A0, that person is entitled to acquire one of the paintings. 8 The test applied in re Barlow has been criticised. However, it can be defended. If an attempted discretionary Trust (eg in favour of â€Å"friends of A0†) fails a certainty test, then someone who could have benefitted from A’s power (eg a clear friend of A0) will miss out. But, in any case, that person only had a chance of receiving a benefit; he had no legal guarantee. In contrast, if a conditional gift is found to be invalid when there is a person who definitely stands to benefit from it, that person is deprived of a definite entitlement: a right given to him by A0.

Narayan Murthys Retirement Speech Essay Example for Free

Narayan Murthys Retirement Speech Essay Different people run out of endurance and intellectual horsepower at different points of time. Some people drop out of the marathon since they do not see any value in an organization when their own time under the arc light is over. A leaders responsibility is to recognize this, provide them opportunities outside the organization, and usher in suitable replacements. Infosys journey is replete with many such examples. The Essence of Leadership : Many intelligent people possess a high ego and low patience to deal with people less capable than themselves. Leaders have to manage this anomaly very carefully; counsel these errant people from time to time, and allow them to operate as long as they do not become dysfunctional and start harming the organization. If they do cross the threshold it takes courage to inform the individuals that their time in the organization is over and that they have to leave. However, one aspect that marks out a truly superior organization is the ability of its employees at all levels to be driven by values and to ensure adherence and compliance under any circumstance. No individual is high or important enough for an organization to put up with non compliance. Leadership by example is what creates trust in people to follow a leader. As long as a leader is able to show his or her sacrifice and commitment to a cause others will follow him or her I am glad we decided on respect from our stakeholders (customers, employees, investors, vendor, partners, government of the land and the society) as the primary objective of the company. I have seen hundreds of instances of such leadership-by-example at Infosys. A sense of ownership among employees is extremely important to build a long term future for a corporation. Such ownership comes from fair merit based and generous sharing of wealth and perquisites among each member of the company. This is my answer to many of my friends who wonder why when Infosys was founded I took a small percentage of my earlier salary while every other cofounders salary was increased by at least 10 per cent. The same friends tell me that they do not know of any other instance where as much as 10 to 15 per cent of the company equity was given to co-founders who had just 12 to 18 months of work experience. I do not know of any Indian company that has given away as much as Rs 50,000 crore (at current stock prices) of stock options to employees. Today; every Indian employee at every level who joined us on or before March 2010 is a stockholder of Infosys. The point I would like to make is that such acts demonstrate that our leaders walked the talk in sacrifice and commitment. Strategy is about ensuring sustained differentiation m a changing environment for better net income margins Differentiation without better net income margins is meaningless. In my opinion operating margins and earnings before taxes depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) are not appropriate measures. In fact the best measure of differentiation is the per capita free cash flow generated. Such cash flows bring cash to invest in better people research and development infrastructure training and better customer and employee confidence The famous Harvard historian Niall Ferguson says in his book Civilization: The West and the Rest that the six attributes that have made Western civilization dominant during the last five hundred years are ompetition, science, property rights, medicine, consumption and a good work ethic. I have been saying for many years now that the factors that differentiate a corporation from its competitors are an enduring value system open mindedness, pluralistic and meritocratic approach and practicing speed, imagination and excellence in execution. Leaders have to focus on creating such an environment. The Essence of Leadership : Leadershi p is about taking bold and firm decisions with incomplete information in an environment of uncertainty: Leaders who waffle do not inspire confidence in their people. It is important to use as much data and modeling as possible to eliminate clearly bad decisions. My decision to walk away from a Fortune 10 company when they contributed 25 % of our revenue was one such example of decision making under uncertainty. It was a tough decision that was taken so firmly and calmly that the head of sales at Infosys at that time thought I was not bothered about the future of the company! I had to explain to him that I did indeed agonize over it but that as a leader I could not be driven by panic since such an important decision required a calm and composed mind. Every leader must have a mental model of his or her business with at best five to seven parameters that determine sensitivity to revenue and net income. It is important to update that model suitably as the business landscape changes. Any leader who cannot quickly do such sensitivity calculation would not be able to take quick and bold decisions. Even today I carry and update the mental model of our business in my mind. Generosity is an essential part of a leader. It is the foundation on which teamwork is built. The ability to share the limelight with ones colleagues, the ability to step aside and give opportunity to younger people when they want that fame, power and glory: and the ability to provide a safety net of advice for them is an important aspect of strengthening the future of an organization. It is not easy to give up power, particularly when you have been the object of so much adulation. I must say that Infosys has done a good job in bringing two such transitions before I leave the portals of this company. What Makes an Organization Worldclass : Scalability is the true test of the endurance of an organization. The ability to grow successfully without losing quality productivity employee investor and customer satisfaction and the spirit of a small company is what makes Infosys a great company. We have grown from 50 customers to 620 customers from 10 projects to 6,500 projects from 100 employees to 130,820 employees from 100 sq ft to 28 million sq ft of built up space and from 100 investors to over 450,000 investors. Such a scalability exercise has been successful thanks to our PSPD model of operation. PSPD stands for Predictability of revenues, Sustainability of such predictability, Profitability of such realized revenues and Derisking. Predictability happens because of a good forecasting system that derives realistic data from the trenches and tempers it with the wisdom of senior business leaders. Sustainability refers to the systems that help the efforts of sales people beating the pavement and meeting customers to make the prediction true, the efforts of our delivery people to deliver quality products on time within budgets, and to the efforts of our finance people raising the invoice on time and collecting money on time. Profitability refers to the systems that help our people make value-based sales, follow rigorous budgeting exercises, control costs, get best value for money and ensure the agreed-upon profitability. Derisking refers to systems that identify risks in various dimensions of our operations people, geographies, technologies, application areas and services collect periodic data, review the risk levels and mitigate them. Innovation is the best instrument for creating sustained differentiation. However it must be accepted that revenues for a corporation come from well understood ideas and business models. For example, most of a banks revenues will come from borrowing money at a certain rate and lending it at a higher rate. Part of the profits from such models will be used for research and development to generate new ideas. A few of these ideas will be seeded and some of them will become mainstream revenue earners. Therefore, it is very important for a leader to focus on innovation particularly when the times are good. Customers put food on our table. Therefore, we have to have a laser focus on exceeding their expectations, being open and honest with them, and ensuring that they look good in front of their customers. Employees are the only instruments we have to make our customers and investors succeed. Therefore, we have to create an environment of openness, meritocracy; fairness, transparency, honesty and accountability amongst our employees. Our investors understand that businesses will have their share of up and downs. They want us, the management, to level with them at all times. Therefore, when in doubt, please disclose is a good policy for a corporation. Society provides customers, employees, investors, bureaucrats and politicians. Therefore, earning the goodwill of every society that we operate in is extremely important for us. Global benchmarking is a powerful instrument that helps us to improve our self-confidence, compete with the best global competitors and serve our customers better. Success and Failure We are our best friend and We are our Worst Enemies : We Indians must recognize as we have done at Infosys that we are our main enemies. There is no external enemy. Our failures are because of our lack of commitment to our cause, our inability to accept meritocracy and our indifference to honesty and want of a good work ethic amongst our leaders. Performance alone is the key differentiator. This stems from my belief that performance leads to recognition brings respect and respect brings power. Therefore if India wants to be a superpower as we keep hoping the only instrument we have is performance. We have demonstrated that businesses can be run legally and ethically that it is possible for an Indian company to benchmark with the global best and that any set of youngsters with values hard work team work and a little bit of smartness can indeed be successful entrepreneurs. This way we have enthused millions of young men and women in India. This in my opinion is Infosys greatest contribution. I have realized that humility grace and courtesy are genuine only when you have power and glory. That is why the leaders at Infosys have practiced this time and again. Humility provides us the strength of mind to learn from people better than us. Grace and courtesy make us worthy competitors. They also remind us that such glory and power are ephemeral and give us the strength to handle the days when we too could lose our shine. The crucial things we have to do in the future are to recognize our weaknesses; be open-minded about learning from people better than us; learn from our mistakes and not repeat them; be humble, honest and courteous; benchmark with the best in every dimension; use innovation to perform at global levels; and create a worthwhile vision and improve every day. This is how our mantra of focusing on speed imagination and excellence in execution will take this company very far. I have absolutely no doubt about it. I wish Kris and my fellow Infoscions the best in their journey forward. The board has been kind enough to name me the Chairman Emeritus. Therefore, I will always be there to add value if asked. Thanks, Narayana Murthy

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Reflective Log On Personal And Professional Development Skills Nursing Essay

Reflective Log On Personal And Professional Development Skills Nursing Essay Stress has always been a part of my life. I have experienced it during exam revision, my Duke of Edinburgh expedition, being the captain of a tennis team and performing in a play. My reason for choosing this SSC was to help me to identify and manage my stress, plan my goals and improve my time management so that excessive stress can be avoided in the future. We began the course by studying the graph of performance versus arousal, illustrating the human response to stress. Performance initially increased with stress. I have always perceived stress as a negative thing and something that should be avoided at all costs. I soon learned that some stress is good for you; some stressors keep you motivated and working at the optimum rate; without them, I would become bored and feel like I was underachieving. When stress is excessive, however, the graph starts plateauing and then going down. The body starts suffering and displaying signs of being overstressed leading to lowered productivity and finally breakdown and illness. When I am very stressed, I find myself experiencing a combination of symptoms. Anxiety, procrastination, increased heart rate, diarrhoea, sensitivity to criticism, negative self-critical thoughts and occasional emotional outbursts are not uncommon to me. Being on such a demanding course as Medicine, it is important to manage stress efficiently to keep productivity at optimum levels. Knowing about the manifestations of stress is useful both when directly administering healthcare and to inform professional conduct. The understanding of the manifesting symptoms of stress will allow me to identify it in myself and others: I can later use this either to prescribe the right course of action to the patient, or to manage underlying problems at work. The two types of stress are acute and chronic. The General Adaptation Syndrome proposed by Seyle explains the stages the body goes through when faced with stress: Alarm, Resistance and Exhaustion1. The alarm stage involves the fight or flight mechanism as well as activation of the Hypothalamic Pituitary Adrenal axis, leading to down-regulation of the immune system. In the resistance phase, the body tries to cope with the increased stress. In the exhaustion phase, sustained stress has depleted the body of resources and we suffer from diseases of adaptation. I experience acute stress on a frequent basis, for example when I get a minor injury or am trying to meet an essay deadline, leading to alarm and resistance. Chronic stress is more long term, such as occupational stress, commonly leading to the exhaustion phase of the General Adaptation Syndrome. This occurs when I am stressed for a longer period of time, such as when struggling to catch up with work or preparing for exams. Extended periods of high stress situations can lead to burnout, which is characterised by emotional exhaustion and depersonalisation, leading to low productivity and feelings of low achievement. I have experienced similar feelings when, after pushing myself too hard, I feel negative, run down and as though my work is barely progressing. The extreme demands of a medical career can easily drive a doctor to burnout. I was glad that this SSC gave us space to consider burnout, as it brought my attention to aspects of my own conduct when under pressure. With an awareness of my personal difficulties in mind, I often try to use action and emotionally orientated skills to manage my stress levels. I plan ahead in terms of work and other commitments, and prefer to work steadily over time and not get emotionally worked up about it. However, acceptance-orientated stress management comes into play when stressors seem more imminent. With the associated stress of an oncoming exam, for instance, I accept it and work, trying to avoid further stress by reminding myself that I am doing my best. I was surprised to learn about the extent to which personal stress effects those who surround us. Stress is infectious and in a clinical scenario it is important to seem calm to the patient to build a rapport and gain their trust. A visibly stressed doctor will result in stressed patients, or even cause stress in other members of staff leading to poor patient care, often due to non-verbal communication such as body language. With the understanding that interactions with patients, and teamwork situations will feature a lot in my career, knowing about the infectious nature of stress has reinforced my belief that I must manage my stress and be cautious of how (or what) I communicate. To improve my stress management, it is important to become aware of my stressors, and how I react physically and emotionally to them, while bearing in mind the three main variables of stress: intensity, duration and number of stressors present. This will allow me to evaluate what I can change and to moderate my physical and emotional responses. Keeping fit by going to the gym and playing sports, as well as socialising allows me to unwind and feel good about myself. I find these very effective in stress management as they allow build-up of physical and emotional reserves. However, I need to improve my prioritising mechanisms, as sometimes prioritising is my downfall: for example I often find myself persuaded to go out with friends before an important deadline. Doing work when it is important rather than urgent will also leave me room to do the things I enjoy, without the avoidable pressure of time constraints and outstanding work: thus by starting assignments sooner rather than later, and studying lectures and tutorials after having them I will reduce my exposure to the stressors, and the intensity and duration of the stress With those plans in mind, I found learning about the methods of stress manipulation halting, interrupting and coping useful and insightful. In the past I have used halting and coping as my primary methods of manipulating stress. However, I now feel that these are not best in all situations; indeed, they can result in more when work accumulates and must be completed later. I am now putting into place interruption, which involves reducing the stress rather than stopping it altogether by preventing it from building up; this works well when it incorporates the management of variables of stress. I found it a surprise that such a thing as eustress existed; once again challenging my perceptions that stress is almost always a negative thing. I then recalled when I had experienced this in the past, for example when exams are over and I have almost unlimited time to do whatever I want. Learning how to identify stressors, as well as enhancing relevant communication skills, was useful. As a doctor, using the interrogative words Who, What, When, Where and How when interviewing patients will help me to take good patient histories: they will allow me to direct the patients answers in a way which will help identify the stressors efficiently. The areas which cause stress are occupation, personal relationships, environment and non-work time. Using the aforementioned words will create open yet specific questions, prompting the patient to open up and provide a better history. However, the interrogator why should not be used as it is too vague and not productive enough when trying to determine the causes of stress. Thought awareness refers to negative thinking. I have experienced this myself, when the approach of exams causes me to doubt my knowledge and anticipate failure. However, I have addressed this by making sure I prepare in enough time and by using my time efficiently. I am now able to think more clearly, remain calmer and make informed decisions in more stressful situations. I recognise the importance of being optimistic, and believe that even when things do not go according to plan, I must see the experience as positive and an opportunity to learn. As well as that, I am quite a confident person and apply myself to most situations with a confident mind-set even if they are in uncharted territory. This allows me to push my boundaries, and this boosts my confidence when I am pleasantly surprised to discover a new skill. On my Duke of Edinburgh expedition, I was leading my team. Unfortunately due to torrential rain and wind, a part of our route was impassable; this meant I was responsible to plan a new route within a short period of time as it was getting very late and dark. I successfully managed to get the team to the camp with very little delay to our original plan. The final step in stress management is rest, relaxation and sleep. In my experience, all three have suffered during stressful times, especially rest and relaxation. I play badminton, tennis and go to the gym as forms of recreation, and enjoy music and television to distract me from the stress. I sometimes stop doing these during intense times in order to make time for work. I now realise that it is important not to halt these activities. However the biggest change I will be making is implementing the self-hypnosis techniques learnt in the classes. I think that the hypnosis allows me to be more awake and refreshed than by taking a quick nap, which often leaves me feeling worse when I wake up which I learnt was due to me interrupting a sleep cycle. To be someone who works productively, efficiently and in a professional manner, I must set realistic goals and then achieve them, borrowing some aspects of the tycoon mentality. Namely, it is necessary firstly to know what I want; the best way of going about this is to maintain focussed on it by not bothering too much about what I dont want. To remain focussed on achieving my goals, it is important that I constantly visualise them to keep myself striving towards them. This means clearing your mind of any clutter such as goals that are now unattainable and past events. I often find myself thinking of what has happened in the past and replaying them in my mind and thinking about what I could have done differently, for example I once said something rash to a friend in the heat of the moment which I later regretted; I kept thinking about all the time and got really stressed. I now realise that this is merely a waste of time and I could use this time to make more use of the present to cre ate a better future. Tycoons realise the importance of compartmentalising, that is, not carrying emotional baggage from one thing to another. As a doctor for me this will be imperative: I must not carry any sentiments about one patient to another when dealing with another case. I already compartmentalise in day to day life, and for instance when I get upset about one thing, I do not allow the associated emotions to interfere with other aspects of my life. I have also set myself some clear cut and realistic goals which I am working towards and know how to get there. In some ways I do have tycoon mentality, which is valuable as a medical student and future doctor. Although the importance of hard work is undeniable, anticipating success will help me to achieve it, as the ensuing excitement which in turn motivates me to strive towards my ambition. Anticipation also allows me to change my goal if my current goal no longer seems to be the right one for me. Past experiences have shown me that whatever seems like a huge effort will only become habitual in time, usually a period of three weeks according to Maltzs Psychocybernetics2. For example, when I promised myself to visit the gym to improve my fitness, it initially seemed a huge effort to make time for it, but after some time I stopped seeing it as an effort. It became a part of my schedule, and I am able to fit other activities around it: this is goal maintenance I have a goal in my career of becoming a liver surgeon, it is a definitive long term goal and I am determined to achieve it. I will need to achieve several goals such as passing my exams and attending surgical society meetings to achieve the long term goal. By having a time frame to achieve my goal, I will always endeavour to achieve the goals I set myself. It is not just enough to have a goal; you need to make it a reality. I am good at operating on my own initiative and try to take the necessary steps to climb up the ladder towards my goals. Desire results in sustained effort: For instance, I will not let progress made towards my ambition deter me from trying harder. I am currently searching for placements with surgeons and gaining career advice to set me apart when I apply for a job. Loss of desire can mean you can get side tracked from your goals and result in you not achieving them; I am always trying to keep a focus on my goals in order to prevent this from happening. In order to gain satisfaction from achieving my goals, I need to make sure that I keep doing my on-going activities such as gym, tennis and badminton. Otherwise, I would have lost this aspect of my life as well as it being detrimental to my fitness. I am often guilty of stopping these activities when Im busy with other work, but from now on will incorporate them into my goals. Goals are something you want to achieve; dreams go beyond goals and are on the horizon beyond the path to your goal. This made me think whether some of my goals are actually goals or whether they are dreams. I then realised that my goal of becoming a well renowned surgeon is actually a dream, I will need to hit all my goals and go beyond before I can make my dream a reality. I also realise that no one is going to create my success; only I am solely responsible for creating my success. I have set SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and within a Time frame) and I am now forming a personalised goal portfolio so that I can hit my targets; to supplement this, I am also going to make lists of tasks that I need to do. Though I have never used lists in the past, I feel that making lists facilitates organisation and aids the memory, thus increasing chances of success. I feel that this SSC has equipped me with a platform of skills which will be useful in my career as a doctor. Mainly these fall under the categories of stress management, motivation techniques, time management and relaxation. Surprisingly, though, the course has shed light on the importance of communication and body language with regards to stress management, and familiarised me with concepts I did not previously know about, such as eustress and the positive influence of stress for productivity. Nevertheless I feel that the most important things I learned were the skill of identifying that I was stressed, and the knowledge that sometimes I need to relax. Above all, though, I feel that this SSC has been one of the most influential aspects of my medical education, as it has taught me to recognise that stress is not merely a black and white issue: it resides neither in the situation or the person, it depends on a transaction between the two.3

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Foils of Laertes and Fortinbras in Hamlet Essay -- Essays on Shakes

The Foils of Laertes and Fortinbras in Hamlet  Ã‚        Ã‚  Ã‚   William Shakespeare wrote the classic play, Hamlet in the sixteenth century.   Hamlet would be a very difficult play to understand without the masterful use of foils.   A foil is a minor character in a literary work that compliments the main character through similarities and differences in personality.   The audience can identify similarities and differences between any of the characters and Hamlet, however, there are two characters that share so much in common with Hamlet that they have to be considered the most important foils in the play.   These two characters are Laertes and Fortinbras.   It is the great similarities between Laertes, Fortinbras, and Hamlet that make the differences so obvious and therefore help to shape the character of Hamlet.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Laertes is the most noticeable foil for Hamlet, because of his continual direct involvement in the play.   Laertes and Hamlet have many things in common.   Laertes and Hamlet are both educated men with a high social standing.   Hamlet is the prince of Denmark and Laertes is the son of Polonius, Lord Chamberlain.   Both Hamlet and Laertes desire revenge for the death of their fathers.   Claudius murdered Hamlet's father and Hamlet killed Laertes' father.   Hamlet and Laertes both had an undying love for Laertes' sister Ophelia.   Laertes showed his love for his sister when he warned her about seeing Hamlet.   Laertes knew that as head of the state Hamlet would be unable to choose who he married and that Ophelia would be hurt if she fell in love with him.   Hamlet had an undying love for Ophelia despite his actions and words toward her in Act III.   He shows this at Ophelia's burial when he proclaims that his love for h.. . as important as that which he shares with Laertes and Fortinbras.   Both Laertes and Fortinbras, although in different ways, provided the admiration and pity needed to make Hamlet the tragic hero he was.    Sources Cited and Consulted: Bloom, Harold. "Introduction." Modern Critical Interpretations: Hamlet. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York City: Chelsea House Publishers, 1986. 1-10. Findlay, Alison. "Hamlet: A Document in Madness." New Essays on Hamlet. Ed. Mark Thornton Burnett and John Manning. New York: AMS Press, 1994. 189-205. Goldman, Michael. "Hamlet and Our Problems." Critical Essays on Shakespeare's Hamlet. Ed. David Scott Kaston. New York City: Prentice Hall International. 1995. 43-55 Rose, Mark. "Reforming the Role." Modern Critical Interpretations: Hamlet. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York City: Chelsea House Publishers, 1986. 117-128   

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Symbolism of the Stone Angel by Margaret Laurence Essay -- Stone A

The Symbolism of the Stone Angel by Margaret Laurence Margaret Laurence's novel, The Stone Angel is a compelling journey of flashbacks seen through the eyes of Hagar Shipley, a ninety year-old woman nearing the end of her life.   In the novel, Margaret Laurence, uses the stone angel to effectively symbolize fictional characters.     The term symbolism in its broadest sense means the use of an object to stand for something other than itself.   In The Stone Angel, Margaret Laurence uses the stone angel to sybmolize the Currie family values and pride and in particular, the pride and cold personality traits of Hagar Shipley.   There are three primary areas where the stone angel is used to symbolize characters in the novel.   They are: the Currie family pride as a symbol of egoism and materialism, Hagar's lack of compassion for her family and friends as symbolized by a heart of stone, and Hagar's blindness to the feelings and needs of the others as symbolized by the blindness of the angel.     The stone angel is symbolic of the Currie family pride and values.   The stone angel memorial is purchased and brought from Italy by Jason Currie at great expense and placed at the grave site of his wife, in the Manawaka cemetery.   The stone angel is the largest and most expensive memorial in the cemetery.   Although the stone angel is intended to be a memorial for Mrs. Currie, it was not really suitable because Hagar describes her as being meek and a feeble ghost.   The angel is not intended for Mrs. Currie, but in fact, represents the materialistic and egotistical values that characterizes Jason and later, Hagar.   Jason purchases the stone angel in pride and not in grief over the death of this wife: "bought in pride to mark her bones and ... ...from her point of view and is blind to the needs and aspirations of others.   She can only see things from her side of the fence and cannot see how others view the world from the other side.   She is a blind as the stone statue. Although the Currie?s family pride is symbolized repeatedly by the stone angel throughout the novel, it is Hagar who is best symbolized the stone angel.   The angel aptly symbolizes the blindness, hardness, and lack of feelings that are characteristics Hagar displays during her life.   In retrospect, Hagar is the stone angel. Works Cited and Consulted Blewett, D.. "The Unity of the Manawaka Cycle." The World of the Novel: A Student's Guide to Margaret Laurence's The Stone Angel. Ed. Lillian Perigoe and Beverly Copping. Scarborough: Prentice Hall Inc., 1983. Laurence, Margaret. The Stone Angel. Toronto: McClelland &Stewart Inc., 1988.

Harold and Maude and The Book On The Taboo About Knowing Who You Are Es

Comparing the Movie, Harold and Maude and The Book On The Taboo About Knowing Who You Are The character Maude, in the movie Harold and Maude, lives a life congruent with the ideas Alan Watts expresses in The Book On The Taboo About Knowing Who You Are. In his book, Watts explores the relationships between life, death, ego, and environment. Watts's purpose is not to lecture but rather to let the book serve as a "point of departure" (11) for its readers. Maude also serves as the "point of departure" for the character Harold. Under Maude's guidance, Harold transforms from a depressed teenager obsessed with death into a new, positive person. Maude, however, dies shortly thereafter because she cannot guide Harold for the rest of his life. Indeed she, like The Book, is merely "a temporary medicine...not a perpetual point of reference [for Harold]" (11). Both Maude and The Book are only starting places from which Harold and Watts's readers must learn to achieve peace and understanding within themselves. Watts first addresses the issue of religion. Although the goal of many religions is to lead followers to "enlightenment," Watts believes that "irrevocable commitment to any religion is not only intellectual suicide, it is a positive unfaith because it closes the mind to any new vision of the world" (11). People become so obsessed with their religion and convinced that it is the only true religion that they become blind to new ideas and experiences. Instead of being incarcerating, religion should be enlightening. In the movie, Harold asks Maude if she prays to a god. Maude responds, "Pray? No. I communicate." Maude understands that it is restraining to blindly worship a god. By using the word "communicate," sh... ...ime in his life, Harold loves another person, Maude. When Harold tells Maude he loves her, however, she tells him, "Good. Now love some more." Now that Harold has found that capacity to love, he is able extend his love beyond only Maude. He has also learned about his senses: he "smells" snow, feels the contours of wood, hears music, and sees the beauty of nature. Finally, Harold learns how to accept death. Instead of continually pretending to commit suicide to desensitize himself to death, Harold realizes that death is an inevitable part of the circle of life. At the end of the movie, Harold lives, while Maude dies, because he has not yet experienced life. Unlike Maude, Harold is just beginning to defy the taboos of society and find himself. Works Cited: Watts, A. W. (1966). The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are. New York: Vintage Books Harold and Maude and The Book On The Taboo About Knowing Who You Are Es Comparing the Movie, Harold and Maude and The Book On The Taboo About Knowing Who You Are The character Maude, in the movie Harold and Maude, lives a life congruent with the ideas Alan Watts expresses in The Book On The Taboo About Knowing Who You Are. In his book, Watts explores the relationships between life, death, ego, and environment. Watts's purpose is not to lecture but rather to let the book serve as a "point of departure" (11) for its readers. Maude also serves as the "point of departure" for the character Harold. Under Maude's guidance, Harold transforms from a depressed teenager obsessed with death into a new, positive person. Maude, however, dies shortly thereafter because she cannot guide Harold for the rest of his life. Indeed she, like The Book, is merely "a temporary medicine...not a perpetual point of reference [for Harold]" (11). Both Maude and The Book are only starting places from which Harold and Watts's readers must learn to achieve peace and understanding within themselves. Watts first addresses the issue of religion. Although the goal of many religions is to lead followers to "enlightenment," Watts believes that "irrevocable commitment to any religion is not only intellectual suicide, it is a positive unfaith because it closes the mind to any new vision of the world" (11). People become so obsessed with their religion and convinced that it is the only true religion that they become blind to new ideas and experiences. Instead of being incarcerating, religion should be enlightening. In the movie, Harold asks Maude if she prays to a god. Maude responds, "Pray? No. I communicate." Maude understands that it is restraining to blindly worship a god. By using the word "communicate," sh... ...ime in his life, Harold loves another person, Maude. When Harold tells Maude he loves her, however, she tells him, "Good. Now love some more." Now that Harold has found that capacity to love, he is able extend his love beyond only Maude. He has also learned about his senses: he "smells" snow, feels the contours of wood, hears music, and sees the beauty of nature. Finally, Harold learns how to accept death. Instead of continually pretending to commit suicide to desensitize himself to death, Harold realizes that death is an inevitable part of the circle of life. At the end of the movie, Harold lives, while Maude dies, because he has not yet experienced life. Unlike Maude, Harold is just beginning to defy the taboos of society and find himself. Works Cited: Watts, A. W. (1966). The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are. New York: Vintage Books

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Pan American Airlines

Pan Am was an American icon for more than sixty years. The company skyrocketed into success and set the industry standards for others to follow. With Trippe at the helm, it seemed the company could do no wrong and that the world was truly within its grasp. However, changes in competitiveness in the marketplace, thanks to the Transpacific Route Case and deregulation, coupled with decline in air travel and soaring fuel prices caused the company's ultimate demise. Juan Trippe: The Man Behind Pan American: Juan Trippe, founder of Pan American World Airlines, graduated from Yale in 1921. He became bored with working on Wall Street, and after receiving and inheritance, started to work with New York Airways, a commuter service that served the wealthy and powerful. Eventually, with the aid of some of his wealthy friends, Trippe invested in an airline named Colonial Air Transport (â€Å"Juan Trippe†, 2005). Trippe's interests lie in servicing the Caribbean, though. As such, he created the Aviation Corporation of America, based in Florida. It was this company that Trippe would use to take over fledgling Pan American Airways. Pan Am's first flight from Key West to Havana took off on October 28th, 1927, and signaled the beginning of an era of evolution for the aviation industry. Besides Pan Am, Trippe established China National Aviation Corporation, providing domestic service within the Republic of China. He also became a partner in Panagra, the Pan American-Grace Airways, holding a quasi-monopoly for air travel in many parts of South America (â€Å"Pan American-Grace Airways†, 2005). But, it would be Trippe's Pan Am and his famous Clipper planes that would indelibly etch his aviation efforts in the minds of millions of people. Trippe was known, in the aviation industry, for his innovation. He believed Pan Am was the standard setter, and that air travel should be just for the wealthy, but for the general public as well. He is often credited as the father of the ‘tourist class' and saw great potential for expanding his customer base with the development of jet aircraft. Introducing 707s and DC-8s into his fleet, Trippe was able to lower fares and increase passenger numbers (â€Å"Juan Trippe†, 2005). It was Trippe's desire to service even more passengers that led to his request of friend Bill Allen of Boeing to produce an even larger aircraft. The end result was the Boeing 747. Yet, despite his best efforts, the oil crisis of the 1970s and airline deregulation, would see Trippe's Pan Am eventually crumble apart (â€Å"Juan Trippe†, 2005). History of Pan American World Airlines: Pan American World Airlines, commonly known as Pan Am, was the primary international air service provider in the United States for approximately sixty years. Pan Am was a cultural icon of the 20th century, and the unofficial flag air carrier of the United States (Shaw, 1997, p. 12 – 13). It was their dedication to customer service and innovations, such as the use of jumbo jets and computerized reservation systems, that would help shape the industry. Major Henry â€Å"Hap† Arnold and a few partners founded Pan American Airways Incorporated in 1927. They had obtained a U.S. mail delivery contract to Cuba, yet did not have the physical assets available to actually do the job. A few short months later, Trippe had formed Aviation Corporation of America, with backing from William Rockefeller and Cornelius Vanderbilt Whitney, along with others. With Whitney at the helm as President, Aviation Corporation had obtained the landing rights for Havana, by acquiring a small seaplane service between Key West and Havana. During the same time, the Atlantic, Gulf and Caribbean Airways Company was established, by New York investment banker, Richard Hoyt (â€Å"Pan American†, 2005). It would be these three companies that would merge in a holding company called the Aviation Corporation of the Americas, in June of 1928. Hoyt was named Chairman, Whitney was made President, and Trippe and his partners held forty percent of the equity. Pan American Airways Incorporated was created as the primary operating subsidiary of Aviation Corporation of the Americas, with Trippe positioned as the operational head of the new company (â€Å"Pan American†, 2005). The United States government approved the transfer of the original mail delivery contract to Pan Am, without hesitation. The government had feared that the German-owned Colombian carrier SCADTA would have no competition in routes between the US and Latin America. The government further assisted Pan Am by insulating it from American competitors, choosing Pan Am as their ‘chosen instrument' for American foreign air routes (Bilstein, 2001, p. 79). This monopoly on foreign airmail contracts allowed Pan Am to expand quite rapidly. Plans were made to expand Pan Am's service through all of Central and South America. The next decade saw Pan Am purchasing multiple failing airlines in their target territory, as well as the negotiation with postal officials to win airmail contracts in their regions. Trippe toured Latin America, with Charles Lindbergh, to negotiate landing rights. Within a few short months, Trippe had opened up service down the west coast of South America, all the way to Peru. With the purchase of New York, Rio and Buenos Aires Line, Pan Am opened up a seaplane route along the eastern coast of the continent, including Buenos Aires, Argentina, and Santiago, Chile (â€Å"Pan American†, 2005). Pan Am's stock soared, with the development of their South American network. Negotiations with Britain and France, to start a seaplane service between the United States and Europe began in earnest. The British state carrier, Imperial Airways, was eager to partner with Pan Am, however France's Aeropostale was on of Pan Am's competitors in South America, was less eager to help. Eventually, Pan Am was able to negotiate a contract offering services from Norfolk, Virginia, to Europe by way of Bermuda and the Azores. In addition, they obtained another airmail contract, this time servicing Boston to Halifax (â€Å"Pan American†). Pan Am's next plan of action was to begin land plane service, over Alaska, to China and Japan. Lindbergh's services were once again called upon, as he was sent to survey the area, in 1930. Yet, due to the political turmoil in the Soviet Union and Japan, it was determined that that route was not viable. Instead, Trippe focused on developing service from San Francisco to Honolulu, with continuing flights on to Hong Kong and Auckland. By 1934, Pan Am had secured rights to land at Pearl Harbor, Midway Island, Wake Island, Guam, and Subic Bay. By 1935, the company had been awarded the airmail contract between San Francisco and Canton, China (â€Å"Pan American†, 2005). Pan Am's ‘Clippers' were the only aircraft capable of transcontinental travel, at the time. The airline prided itself on service, and their flight crews formal naval-style uniforms and procession when boarding harkened to this fact (Gandt, 1995, p. 19). As World War II set in, most of Pan Am's fleet was called into military service. This allowed Pan Am to open new routes in central Africa and Iran. By early 1942, Pan Am was the first airline to operate a route that circumnavigated the globe (â€Å"Pan American†, 2005). Following World War II, Pan Am's fleet was rejuvenated with faster planes made up of Boeing 377s, Douglas DC-6s and Lockheed Constellations. Competition from began to impact the previously untouched Pan Am. TWA began service to Europe, Braniff to South America and Northwest Orient began service to East Asia (Bilstein, 2001, p. 169). Hoping to reposition itself as America's chosen international carrier, in 1950, Pan Am changed its name to Pan American World Airways, introduced ‘economy class' service, and began to offer around-the-world flights. Significant Accomplishments of Pan Am: Trippe had positioned Pan Am as a leader in the aviation industry through a variety of tactics. Airmail contracts had launched the company and expanding passenger service had firmed its hold on the industry. However, competition had intensified during the company's first two decades of service. To remain competitive, Trippe began investing in new aircraft. Jets and wide-bodied airplanes, such as the DC-8 and 707, were used to increase the number of passengers they could service, while reducing costs. The company was the first to operate 747 service, in 1970, and was one of the first three airlines to take out options on the Concorde, however, did not exercise this option. Diversification was another competitive option for Pan Am. Trippe bought into the InterContinental Hotel chain, as well as a business jet, the Falcon, as complimentary businesses. In addition, Pan Am was involved in developing a missile-tracking range in the South Atlantic and also in operating a nuclear engine-testing lab, in Nevada (Ray, 1999, p. 184). It was in 1962 that Pan Am would introduce the next industry innovation. The organization contracted IBM to build PANAMAC, a computerized airline and hotel booking system. Occupying the fourth floor of the Pan Am Building, PANAMAC not only managed Pan Am's flight and hotel reservations, but also was a database of knowledge on geographic areas, airports, aircraft, other hotels, and even restaurants (â€Å"Pan American†, 2005). In 1971, Pan Am expanded Terminal 3 of John F. Kennedy International Airport, dubbing it ‘Pan Am Worldport'. The largest airline terminal for several years, Worldport was most noted for its flying saucer shaped roof that was suspended far from the outside columns of the terminal, allowing airplanes to pull their noses under the roof, preventing passengers from getting wet as they got on or off the planes (â€Å"Pan American†, 2005). Intercontinental routes flourishing, in 1964, Pan Am began providing helicopter service between New York's major airports and Manhattan. Their fleet had grown from 707s, 747s and DC-8s, to include: 720s, 727s, 737s, 747SPs, Lockheed L-1011s, and eventually Airbus A300s (â€Å"Pan American†, 2005). This diversified fleet allowed Pan Am to meet a variety of needs for the varied routes they serviced all over the globe. Pan Am was not only a great leader in the aviation industry, but also a leader in humanitarian flights. The company flew approximately 650 flights a week between West Germany and West Berlin. And, in 1966, Pan Am flew Rest and Relaxation (R&R) flights during the Vietnam War, carrying American service men and women to Hong Kong, Tokyo, and a variety of other Asian cities for well-deserved R&R (â€Å"Pan American†, 2005). In 1973, the energy crisis dealt a staggering blow to Pan Am. High fuel prices and low demand for air travel were only Pan Am's beginning worries. The Transpacific Route Case was one of the most damaging policies for the company. Prior to the Transpacific Route Case, the only airlines allowed to fly civilian transpacific routes were Pan Am and Northwest Orient. President Dwight Eisenhower opened the case, in 1959, to investigate opening the transpacific market up to more competition. Although Eisenhower closed the case, Kennedy reopened it in 1961. By 1969, the Civil Aeronautics Board had awarded additional transpacific routes to airlines including: American Airlines – Australia, Fiji, Hawaii, New Zealand, and Samoa Continental Airlines – Guam, Hawaii, and Saipan Northwest Airlines – Hawaii to Asia flights Trans World Airlines – Hawaii, Japan, and Taiwan Western Airlines – Hawaii (â€Å"Transpacific†, 2005). This additional competition drastically reduced Pan Am's international passenger service as well as profit margins. The large fleet of 747s the company had invested in, while expecting a continued increase in travel demand, would now weigh down the company and eat away at their profit margin. In response to this new competition overseas, Pan Am worked on further developing their domestic market. Road blocked at winning approval for new domestic routes, it was airline deregulation, in 1979, that would allow Pan Am to expand its service in the United States. However, the gift of deregulation would also be the company's greatest bane. Trippe had failed to create a strong domestic presence for his airline. He now found himself competing with established carriers in the domestic market, for the routes he wished to enter, plus had to compete with them on international routes as well. In response, Pan Am absorbed National Airlines, in 1980, yet a bidding war caused the company to sell for a much higher price than its worth (â€Å"Pan American†, 2005). The two companies were at odds with one another from the beginning. The two disparate fleets caused the company to run inefficiently and ineffectively. Their route networks were incompatible as were the two companies' corporate cultures. Insurmountable debt began to be accumulated. In an effort to recover, the Pan Am Building was sold off to MetLife, in 1981, and in 1985, Pan Am's entire Pacific route was sold to United Airlines. The money from the sales was used to invest in new aircraft, and despite the beginning of shuttle service between Boston, New York and Washington D.C., the financial losses and declining customer service plagued the company (â€Å"Pan American†, 2005). The final straw came with lax security on board Pan Am flights. Despite the development of the Alert Management Systems, in 1986, in order to reduce cost and avoid inconveniencing customers, Pan Am kept security at a minimum. The Lockerbie bombing caused Pan Am to be associated with terrorism and brought a $300 million lawsuit, filed by more than 100 families. By March 1991, the company began to sell off it's most profitable routes, and on December 4th, 1991, the airline's last flight from Bridgetown, Barbados to Miami was completed. In the end, Pan Am was an American icon for more than sixty years. The company skyrocketed into success and set the industry standards for others to follow. With Trippe at the helm, it seemed the company could do no wrong and that the world was truly within its grasp. However, changes in competitiveness in the marketplace, thanks to the Transpacific Route Case and deregulation, coupled with decline in air travel and soaring fuel prices caused the company's ultimate demise.